Copy of Clear Ancestral Energies

Do You Want To Learn About Natural Solutions For Your Home Using Essential Oils?


In This Video Class You Will Learn:

~  How I got into Essential Oils and how they changed my life

~  How essential oils get to the root cause of an issue

~  What are essential oils

~  How do you use essential oils

~ How to get essential oils in your home

~ A look at some of the doTERRA products


About This MasterClass

I know you are busy and I won’t take up much of your time, put the video on 1.25 speed and zoom through watching it. I’ll get to the point so you can learn about how to get natural solutions into your home. 

You won’t be disappointed!!

About Kate Strong

Kate is passionate about personal growth and exploring her inner life to the full. In her quest to heal her own pain she has discovered so much along the way. And she always like to share what she’s learned.

In 2016 she signed up to DoTerra which was perfect timing because only a matter of 2 months later she was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. The essential oils were paramount in speeding up her recovery process.

Kate mainly used essential oils for her emotions, and it wasn’t until she became certified as an Essential Emotions Coach that her journey with the oils fell into place.

Her life took a positive turn for the better and rather than feeling like she was just treading water trying to stay afloat in life, she started to thrive and overcome obstacle after obstacle.

Kate calls essential oils ‘God In A Bottle.’ 

All healing is Spiritual healing, whether it be spiritual, emotional or physical. Once the blocked energy is resolved, we can evolve.

Kate is a certified in many healing modalities and has been working as a full time healer for 15 years online.

So What Are You Waiting For? Register Today! It's Free!