Ancestral Healing – How Our Ancestors Are Affecting Us Today
Other Cultures
Many cultures that aren’t in the western world revere their ancestors and this honouring is a part of their daily life. They realise that their ancestors are a part of the wider web of life and they still have influence on many levels today.
In the context of Ancestral Healing not only do we carry the genes of our ancestors, we also carry a cellular memory of what went on in their lives. These energetic patterns affects everyone down the line and even beyond us to our descendants.
Dr Hiroshi Motoyama, a Head Priest of the Shinto Tamamitsu sect of Japan, wrote in his book Reincarnation and Karma:
“The parent/child connection manifests as one link in a long chain of ancestral karma that stretches back through time. Your link to your family allows you to be born into that specific line – it is a link that needs to be understood and respected. In this modern scientific age it is very difficult for people to accept the fact that they are responsible to their ancestors, that they are actually liable for the actions of their ancestors if the resulting karma has not yet been dissolved. Many find it absurd to think that the actions of an unknown ancestor could possible have anything to do with what is happening to them today. But time and time again when investigating someone’s karma, I find problems that stretch back generations. Their spirit is not just an individual entity, it is also part of the family spirit that births and nurtures it.”
Called To Do Healing Work
Our ancestor’s thoughts, feelings, emotions, spiritual beliefs and unresolved issues are all passed down energetically and are still affecting us today. Our ancestors are calling us to do this healing work, to not only heal them, but heal ourselves and descendants as well.
It may be the case that you feel you don’t want to put time and energy into healing people who have passed on, as you don’t feel it has anything to do with your life. Not so. There is way more than the dna that has been passed on, there are patterns that need to be resolved.
Ideally you can start by working out what isn’t flowing in your life, and sure enough there will be a pattern somewhere back in your lineage that is causing this blockage. If you have tried many modalities and it hasn’t shifted things for you, it may be that ancestral healing can move things for you.
If you feel compelled to do this type of healing, then chances are your ancestors are calling you to work on their issues, which are now echoed in your issues.
Family Tree
Another theory is that as we reincarnate into the same soul group, chances are you are your own ancestors to a degree. You may have been your great great grandmother. So in essence you are doing past life healing as well.
An example in my life is I decided to work on my money issues, I worked out intuitively and via my family tree that I had a few women not that far back who had been widowed or were left to raise children. There was a lot of energy around being a solo mother having to earn a living. I cleared this energy around my great grandmother and her mother and since then the flood gates have opened and I have been inundated with bookings.
Often times people today also have a longing to go back home. Wherever home may be, but even being at home doesn’t quench that longing. For a lot of people not that far back into their family tree, their ancestors left their homeland to start anew somewhere else.
My feeling is the further back we go, the harder life was and so there is undoubtedly unresolved issues and beliefs that have been passed down. Perhaps we even know what those beliefs are, ie, the women in your family like to read, or the men in the family are hunters. But also spiritually we have energy that is passed down affecting us today that on a whole nother level is calling to us to heal.
We owe it to ourselves, our ancestors and our descendants to do this important healing work.
Check out ancestral healing at https://katestrong.com/product-category/healings/ancestralhealing/
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