Essential Oils
"I help people to discover the healing benefits that nature has to offer for mind body, spirit and emotions via essential oils."
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Since early 2016 I have been using Essential Oils seriously. Then I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and I used essential oils on my thyroid, as well as medication. My doctor was amazed at how fast my thyroid levels came into range.
The more I came to know about the oils, the more I fell in love with them. It’s yet another way for me to experience the healing benefits of Mother Nature and all she has to offer us.
Before signing up with DoTerra, I just bought cheap oils that I burned in an oil burner. Nice smells but that was about all. I never gave oils a second thought really, I never knew just how effective they were on so many levels.S
Sign Up with an Enrollment Kit worth more than 200pv and get a free Essential Emotions session valued at US$60 with me either online or in person.
How To Get Started
- Click here
- Select country and language
- Choose Wholesale Customer
- Select starter kit for below wholesale prices
- At enroller ID make sure my ID 3171249 is entered
- Fill out shipping info and checkout
- I’ll contact you soon after with follow up.
Learn About Essential Oils and Emotions
Learn About Essential Oils 101
The reason I chose Doterra oils is because they are certified therapeutic grade. I never thought much about DoTerra other than the cheaper wholesale prices and the free products you could get, but over time I came to know more about the company and realised how amazingly accountable and responsible they are.
Their ethical practices are very humbling, they source their products where the plants naturally thrive, and they support the farmers and often the communities in the area. I also love the way they rest the land, they don’t go in and scavenge up everything they can get.
What Is An Essential Oil?
Essential oils come from the bark, stems, roots, flowers, seeds, and other parts of plants and are distilled to create an oil that is way more powerful in strength than herbs. Just one drop goes a long way. eg: If I make a bowl of pasta I put one drop of either oregano or basil oil in it. I’ve used Rosemary to flavour as well, and its so powerful I have to just use a toothpick dipped in the top of the oil and swizzled around in my food. So that’s the equivalent to less than a drop.
What I also love is that the way an essential oil affects the body is often the reason that the plant created it. Whether it be to ward off fungi or bacteria, or repel insects.
Emotional & Spiritual
I think the biggest thing that has blown me away, is how the oils work on an emotional and spiritual level as well.
Smelling the oils from the bottle is the fastest way to affect your mood. Smell affects the limbic system in the brain, and is connected to emotion and memory. It’s not just a lovely smell, it’s actually therapeutic.
The frequency of each oil has a profound effect spiritually as well. There are well over 600 references in the bible to essential oils, the most famous being that the three wise men brought baby Jesus Frankincense and Myrrh. The Chinese, Greeks, Egyptians all used essential oils.
Essential Emotions Session
I am now a certified Essential Emotions coach and learning about this process has increased my love, passion and awe at what essential oils can do. I call them God in a bottle. They can shift stuck energy in such an unbelievable way. I have seen many amazing shifts with people.
You can find this session here.
How Do You Use The Oils?
The oils can be used in a diffuser, they can be used on the skin, either neat or diluted in fractionated coconut oil, and some can be taken internally. Ideally, you need to test them out on your skin in a patch test.
Top 10 Oils
Loyalty Rewards Points
doTERRA has a Loyalty Rewards Points scheme and this is a great way to build your oil collection. Read more about it here.
Other Products
Doterra sell other things like skin care, hair care, vitamins, diffusers, boxes, hand care, face care, cleaning products, rubs for muscles, and more.
If you’re interested in knowing more about Essential Oils and the benefits of a wholesale account, send me an email via the contact page, or you can sign up for a wholesale account directly here.
What’s so exciting is not only would I buy the oils anyway, I also get to get free oils depending on how many points I accumulate. You can read more about the loyalty rewards program here. I don’t want to sound salesy, as my main focus is how much I love the oils. My main purpose has always been about sharing my knowledge.
Sign Up with an Enrollment Kit worth more than 200pv and get a free Essential Emotions session valued at US$60 with me either online or in person.
How To Get Started
- Click here
- Select country and language
- Choose Wholesale Customer
- Select starter kit for below wholesale prices
- At enroller ID make sure my ID 3171249 is entered
- Fill out shipping info and checkout
- I’ll contact you soon after with follow up.
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