Essential Oils For Adrenal Support
I am on a journey at the moment to support my endocrine system. I was diagnosed with early stage hyperthyroidism after being on the ketogenic diet for 5 months, which I was eating because I was assessed as having metabolic syndrome. I had previously had hyperthyroidism 5 years earlier and essential oil blends for thyroid support were extremely helpful in my recovery process. I had been 4 years in range for my thyroid levels, and I was tentative eating keto because I know the thyroid needs carbs to function well.
My T3 and T4 were in range, but my TSH levels were very low. I am having monthly blood tests and my levels are rising very slowly.
i also learned that thyroid issues usually are an imbalance somewhere in the endocrine system.
Adrenal Glands
I did a bit of reading online and came to realise that the TSH levels were more an indication of the relationship between the pituitary gland and adrenal glands than of the thyroid. I knew about adrenal fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome all too well as I suffered from it for quite some time in my 40s and early 50s when my adrenal function was causing my energy levels to tank.
I also learned that the nervous system rules over the endocrine system and most of my life I had suffered in some way with nervous tension, later to become PTSD. So finding ways to calm and soothe myself and lower my stress hormone cortisol levels will also have an effect on the endocrine system.
Symptoms of adrenal fatigue I likened to having one foot on the brake and one foot on the accelerator in life. Wanting to push forward but part of you is stopping yourself also. So your adrenals are always idling. Which really is a chronic stress response, which can have an effect on your immune system as well.
In menopause the ovaries pass the baton to the adrenal glands, and that can be why they are more taxed. It may be why my adrenals have an issue.
Weight Gain
Adrenal issues can be the cause of weight gain, especially stubborn belly fat that you’ve tried everything to lose.
Essential Oils
Essential oils come from the bark, stems, roots, flowers, seeds, and other parts of plants and are distilled to create an oil that is way more powerful in strength than herbs.
Smelling the oils from the bottle is the fastest way to affect your mood. Smell affects the limbic system in the brain, and is connected to emotion and memory. It’s not just a lovely smell, it’s actually therapeutic.
The oils can be used in a diffuser, they can be used on the skin, either neat or diluted in a carrier oil like fractionated coconut oil or jojoba oil, and some can be taken internally. Ideally, you need to test them out on your skin in a patch test. You can also add a few drops to a bath. (Don’t use citrus oils in the bath) . You can add drops of oils in a roller bottle and make up blends.
When using on your body rub drops of essential oil into the soles of your feet, neck, spine, heart, wrists.
I use DoTerra Essential Oils, The reason I chose DoTerra oils is because they are certified therapeutic grade.
Best Essential Oils for Adrenal Support
Any oil that makes you feel good will be good to use. The oils I like change over time depending on what my health conditions are.
There are various symptoms of adrenal fatigue and the following are essential oils to use:
Mental and Emotional Stress
Emotion and Aromatherapy Oils, Wild Orange, Adaptiv, Bergamot, Roman Chamomile.
Physical Stress like chronic illness, too much exercise, pushing yourself too hard, travel.
Lavender, Geranium, Roman Chamomile, Marjoram
Environmental Stress like pollutants, bodycare products, toxins, fragrances, oxidative stress
Helichrysum, Rosemary, Juniper Berry, Zendocrine
Better Sleep
Lavender, Serenity, Cedarwood, Vetiver, Adaptiv, Roman Chamomile
Deep Blue, Frankincense, Copiaba, Zendocrine
Anxiety/Panic Attacks
My 9 Oils for Anxiety, Adaptiv, Wild Orange, Magnolia, Neroli
Seasonal Allergies
Breathe, Lavender, Lemon, Pink Pepper, Frankincense
Irritability and Anger
Lavender, Ylang ylang, Cedarwood, Blue Tansy, Adaptiv
Sugar Cravings and Blood Sugar Imbalance
Cinnamon, Cardamom
Back Pain
Deep Blue, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Roman Chamomile, Peppermint
Clary Calm, Cypress, Lavender, Basil, Roman Chamomile
Overall Health long term can benefit from the use of essential oils. Small tweaks and lifestyle changes can help lower stress hormones and adrenal insufficiency using pure essential oils to obtain hormone balance.
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