All the colours in the spectrum have their own vibrational frequency. and all can be beneficial to you in different ways.
I find colour so healing. Just think of a beautiful vibrant red rose. Did you know our eyes see more shades of green than any other colour? It is part of our evolution and being able to identify food sources in nature.
Colour Deficiency
We can become deficient in a certain colour, usually because we have been avoiding it due to a negative association with it which means we are blocked from absorbing that vibrational frequency.
Colour Excess
We can develop a colour excess if we are exposed to too much of a certain colour and not enough of other colours. I will work out which colour you need to be exposed to more, to balance out this excess (this is usually the opposite colour on the colour wheel), and clear any blocks to absorbing this vibration.
Here is a list of colours I will test for:
- Pink (ballet pink, fuchsia)
- Red (salmon, maroon)
- Orange (peach, brown)
- Yellow (cream, goldenrod)
- Green (lime, mint, forest, emerald, olive)
- Blue (baby blue, cyan, electric blue, turquoise, royal, navy)
- Indigo (cornflower, midnight)
- Violet (lavender, purple, plum)
- White
- Black (grey)
I’m offering to detect and clear ONE colour imbalance for only US$15. I will tell you whether it is an excess or a deficiency and do this healing, and I will advise you what colour to add in your life and how to do that if its an excess.
Email me your first name and date of birth after your payment.
You can buy as many as you want as there may be multiple excesses or deficiencies. You can also buy for other people. I will test to see how many of these I can do at the same time or if they have to be done on separate days.
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