Kate Strong | Intuitive Healing
Business as a spiritual path

Business As A Spiritual Path

My Son

The past 3 weeks I have been helping my son out with his business while his Office Manager was away on holiday. My son and I have had an on/off relationship around his business, we butt heads a lot because we are both strongly opinionated around business and the way we want things done.


He had fired me as his book keeper and I was deeply sad about this, I couldn’t work out why because it really was a distraction from focusing on my own business. It was more than having a way to connect with him because we are close and talk everyday anyway.


I have had a lot of trauma around *business*, having been sexually abused in the workplace when I was 18, and also doing the books for my ex’s business who had his head in the sand around finances.


Spiritual Calling

I then realised that Business was part of my spiritual calling.


I think business is a way that Spirit calls us forward as part of showing up more fully and putting ourselves out there.


There are two aspects to business, there’s the nature of the business, ie: I do healing, and then there’s all the other things you do to run your business.


I had thought I just had to do those in order to do what I love, but I realised you can’t separate one part from the other. The two go together. My lessons are coming through my business.


I have to deal with fear of handling money, asking for money, visibility, having a voice, how to deal with conflict, feeling exposed and vulnerable, how to show up, how to have faith, trust in people, feeling good enough, belief in myself, how to stand up for myself, knowing when to ask for help, knowing what to do myself, how to deal with overwhelm, my relationship with chaos and order, knowing when to let something go, how to deal with tension and relaxation,  surrendering to Spirit and so much more.


Business is Grounding

Everything I have learned on my Spiritual journey I apply to the business side of my vocation. From getting an idea and then birthing it into creation in a physical way.


The business side is grounding, but it is more than just getting the details of things done. How you have a relationship with the business side of your business is no different than how you have a relationship with any other parts of your life.


Do you endure the business side of what you do or do you see how it’s part of your calling?




Kate offers Healings and Intuitive Guidance. She offers sessions in the Emotion Code, Body Code, Cord Cutting Past Life Healings, Soul Healings and more. She offers these by email.


  • Deborah Nord

    I love how you share so much of yourself.

  • mentorforthrivingbabies

    Hi, Kate. Thank you for this clearly-written and warmly-written post. I think of everything in my life as spiritual, including the “business” aspects of my business. I am retiring now (after 50 years of being in one healing profession or another). I will still offer Reiki to friends, family, and some other people. But I am retiring from the “business” aspect of my business. Even making this decision, and all the attendant decisions, has been a spiritual practice and will continue to be for a while. Thank you for this teaching and reminder!

    • Kate

      Hi ya Meg, yes, its all spiritual, its surprising how the smallest of aspects of my business I didn’t see as spiritual, even after all this time and the journey Ive been on with Heart of Business. I wish you much relaxation in retiring from business xx

  • Kerry-Marie Callander

    Oh my goodness Kate I can so relate to everything in your blog – totally and everything you say and you are right on the button as always. Blessings Kerry-Marie xxx

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