Kate Strong | Intuitive Healing

Interesting Gadgets and Products I Use

I’ve managed to explore a few interesting gadgets and products this year that I wanted to share with you. If you have any interesting and useful products let me know, I’m always up for experimenting. I am not affiliated with any of these links.


Bamboo Orgone Rejuvenation Blanket

Orgone Rejuvenating Blanket

I’ve used my sister’s scenar blanket for a few years, and love it so much, I decided to buy one, but found this Bamboo Orgone and Accumulator Energy blanket. It’s great for rebalancing after psychic or healing sessions, and if I want to feel mirrored by my own energies. You can read more about it – here



Chi Machine

Chi Machine

This machine is great for winding down and also relaxing your muscles. It wobbles you like a fish. You have to start off with 5 mins at first. You also need to drink a glass of water before and after as the wobbling eliminates toxins.





Kombucha is a fermented tea, I found it way easier than consuming cultured vegetables, as a way to get the good bacteria into your gut. It’s very easy to make, if you can get a scoby from someone. The scobys last a long time too. I have two scobys on the go at one time. I drink a small glass after I wake up. There are many health benefits to drinking kombucha.



Magnesium Oil

Magnesium Oil

This oil is a bit stingy when it’s on, but its great for relaxing the muscles and absorbing magnesium transdermal instead of ingesting it.



Life Force Body Balance

Body Balance

I have been taking Body Balance for over a year now, it’s 9 sea vegetables in aloe vera juice. There is a multi level marketing aspect to it if you want to sell it as well. I buy 2 bottles a month which seems to work well for me. It’s a great way to get your minerals and there are alot of health benefits to taking it. It also creates a detox effect as well.

Structured Water Unit

I have just bought the portable unit, and have yet to try it. This unit recreates the way water flows in nature, and not in a straight line coming from our water pipes. It erases the memory in the water, and creates higher absorbancy. You can read more about it here



Liposomal Encapsulated Vitamin C
This vitamin c is encapsulated in lecithin, you make it in an ultrasonic jewellery cleaner, it’s alot easier than I thought. The absorbency rate of the vitamin c is hugely increased as it moves through the stomach and releases in the colon. I have about a desertspoon when I wake up in the morning. This is the process I used to make it.



Please ask me if you want to know more about these products and processes.

Kate offers Healings and Intuitive Guidance. She offers sessions in the Emotion Code, Body Code, Cord Cutting Past Life Healings, Soul Healings and more. She offers these by email.

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