The Body Code Healing System
The Body Code was created by Dr Brad Nelson, who created the Emotion Code. The Body Code is the wider umbrella that incorporates the Emotion Code.
Essentially this system is designed to detect and correct underlying imbalances that contribute to issues in the body and energy system. By tapping into the body’s “lie detector” system, the identification of the underlying imbalances is speedy. A wonderful aspect of the Body Code is that anything can underlie anything. Meaning any kind of imbalance can contribute towards a condition.
One of the leading causes of imbalances in the body is trapped emotions, and the Body Code incorporates this method also.
By tapping into the subconscious mind we can affect the wellness of the energy field and thus the physical body.
In the Body Code, there are 6 categories of imbalance that can be corrected. These categories are:
- Emotional Imbalances- emotional, post-traumatic, allergy or intolerance, mental, offensive
- Toxicity Imbalances- heavy metals, free radicals, EM spectrum, chemicals, microbial
- Circuitry Imbalances- organs, glands, chakras, disconnections, meridians
- Pathogens Imbalances- parasites, fungal, bacterial, viral, mold
- Structural Imbalances- bones, nerves, muscles, connective tissue, organs and glands
- Nutritional Imbalances- Ph imbalance, foods, herbs, nutrients, dehydration, magnetic field
There are also a number of other energetic issues that can be corrected through the Body Code system that may be contributing to a health or emotional issue. Issues like having an allergy to a thought or idea, having to move the past into the past where it belongs and connecting ones spirit to ones body and visa versa and more.
Through the use of muscle testing by proxy, I am able to apply the Body Code. I am not a medical doctor. So please consult a medical doctor first.
For more information on sessions please visit https://katestrong.com/product-category/healings/body-code/
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