Kate Strong | Intuitive Healing

Why Your Pain Might Be Neuroplastic Pain

Neuroplastic Pain

Neuroplastic pain can be a confusing thing to diagnose. It is different than other types of chronic pain, as it originates in the brain rather than in any particular area of the body. Neuroplastic pain occurs when changes in our neural pathways cause us to feel discomfort or even intense pain even though there may be no physical source of injury or damage. In this article we will explore why your pain might be neuroplastic and what you can do about it.


Understanding neuroplasticity is an important first step towards understanding neuroplastic pain. Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to rewire itself after experiencing trauma or injury, allowing it to create new pathways for sending information throughout our bodies. Neurons that fire together wire together; this means that when the brain experiences pain again and again, then it gets good at firing together easily.


Definition of Neuroplastic Pain

Neuroplastic pain is a type of chronic pain that has become increasingly diagnosed among sufferers over the last few years. It is often described as a ‘hidden’ type of pain, with many struggling to identify and define it – until now. Neuroplastic pain arises when there are changes in the nervous system due to physical or psychological stressors. This leads to an abnormal sensitivity in certain areas of the body, resulting in persistent and long-term pain.


The exact cause of neuroplastic pain remains unknown, however it is believed that traumatic events experienced during childhood may be linked to its development later on in life. In addition, research into neuroplasticity suggests that symptoms can worsen if left untreated for a prolonged period of time.


Symptoms of Neuroplastic Pain

Neuroplastic pain is a type of chronic pain that can have long lasting effects on an individual’s physical, emotional and mental well-being. It occurs when the peripheral nervous system becomes rewired due to injury or disease and sends distorted signals to the brain. It is important to be aware of its symptoms in order to take early action for treatment.


The common symptoms of neuroplastic pain include burning sensations, numbness, tingling and electric shock-like sensations in the affected area. Neuropathic pain may also be accompanied by swelling, weakness or muscle spasm as well as a decreased range of motion in the affected area. There may also be changes in temperature perception such as feeling too hot or too cold in certain areas compared with others. Additionally, some individuals experience intense itching which can become unbearable at times.


How to tell if the pain you have is neuroplastic pain:

  • pain developed in times of stress
  • developed without injury
  • symptoms are inconsistent
  • large number of symptoms
  • symptoms spread
  • triggered by stress
  • symptoms have nothing to do with the body
  • symmetrical symptoms
  • childhood adversity
  • delayed pain


Causes of Neuroplastic Pain

Neuroplastic pain is a condition that affects millions of people each year, leading to chronic and sometimes debilitating symptoms. Neuroplastic pain occurs when the nerves in the body become hypersensitive or misfire. It can cause a variety of physical and emotional issues including chronic pain, fatigue, and difficulty sleeping. But what causes neuroplastic pain?


Research has found that neuroplastic pain is often caused by an injury or illness that damages nerve fibers in the brain or spinal cord. This damage to the nervous system can lead to an over-sensitivity of nerves, causing them to send abnormal signals resulting in neuroplastic pain. Another common cause of neuroplastic pain is stress, which can interfere with nerve signals and reduce tolerance for certain sensations such as touch and pressure.


Alan Gordon says in his book The Way Out“neuroplastic pain is caused by the brain misinterpreting safe signals from the brain as if they were dangerous. So we feel pain when there is no damage to the body.” 


When you start to believe that there’s something wrong with your body, say a pain, then the brain responds in pain. Which sets up a pain – fear – pain cycle, and a brain that is on high alert is sensitive to pain. The answer is safety. Safe messages, to calm the nervous system.


Treatment Options

Treatment Options: Pain is a common problem among most people, but even more so if it’s neuroplastic pain. Neuroplastic pain is an umbrella term for multiple painful syndromes which are caused by a complex interaction of neurological, psychological and physical factors. Traditional treatments for this type of pain include medication, acupuncture and exercise. However, the best treatments depend on the individual and their medical condition.


Individualized treatment plans are essential when dealing with neuroplastic pain as each case is unique in its own way. Depending on the cause of the issue and severity, some individuals might benefit from physical therapy or cognitive behavioral therapy while others may need to take medications such as antidepressants or anticonvulsants.


Pain Reprocessing Therapy teaches you how to unlearn this pain so that your brain interprets the signals from your body and doesn’t overreact. It weakens the neural associations of fear and pain that has wired them together by thoughts and feelings of danger, anxiety and fear. Notice when you have thoughts and feelings of fear, don’t buy into it, tell your self safe things.


Coping Strategies

Pain is an unpleasant experience that can affect both physical and mental health. Neuroplastic pain is a type of chronic pain that can be difficult to diagnose and treat. It’s important to have coping strategies in place to manage the symptoms associated with neuroplastic pain.


Cognitive behavioral therapy is a common approach used by healthcare professionals when treating neuroplastic pain. This type of therapy focuses on recognizing, challenging and changing negative thought patterns that may be leading to distress or depression related to pain. Meditation, yoga and deep breathing exercises are other ways people can use cognitive behavior therapy at home in order to improve their quality of life. Additionally, mindfulness activities such as journaling or art making can help individuals stay connected with their bodies and provide an outlet for stress relief from managing chronic pain.


Conclusion: Managing Neuroplastic Pain

Managing neuroplastic pain can be challenging, but it is possible. Neuroplastic pain is caused by the nervous system perceiving and responding to signals from the damaged tissue as if it were painful, even though there may be no physical damage present. While there are many potential treatments for neuroplastic pain, a combination of lifestyle changes and medical therapies can help to manage its symptoms.


By making small changes such as reducing stress levels, getting enough sleep and regular exercise, as well as incorporating non-pharmacological interventions such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) or mindfulness meditation into your daily routine, you can begin to control your body’s response to pain signals.

Kate offers Healings and Intuitive Guidance. She offers sessions in the Emotion Code, Body Code, Cord Cutting Past Life Healings, Soul Healings and more. She offers these by email.

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