Kate Strong | Intuitive Healing
Emotion Code

Emotion Code: 5 Questions About Removing Your Heart Wall With The Emotion Code

What Is My Heart Wall?

The heart wall is an energetic wall around our heart. One we build to protect ourselves, but unfortunately it keeps us locked inside unable to really feel the giving and receiving of love. It also contributes to blocking our flow of abundance – especially financial.


Why Did I Create A Heart Wall?

We built this energetic wall around our heart when we were hurt and wanting to either stop feeling that pain or to ward off more pain, and so we have stopped the flow to our good as well. If we want nothing to touch us for fear it will be bad, then we also shut out the good too. Our heart is the most powerful area of our body, generating 60-1000 times more electromagnetic energy than our brain, this is where we feel the joy of life, this is where we feel the peace as well. 8 out of 10 people build a heart wall and even though you think you need that protection, in fact you don’t because those pains are over now, protecting against them in the future is just staying stuck in the fear of the what ifs and the past.


What Will I Experience When My Heart Wall Is Removed?

At an energy level you will be putting out a different vibrational rate once your heart wall is removed. So therefore you will attract different circumstances into your life. You won’t feel as guarded and perhaps now people may see you, or feel drawn to you who may not have noticed you before. Interactions with people will feel different. Perhaps you won’t be so bothered by people and their behaviour. You may feel more a desire to connect with people in a different way. And perhaps a wish to feel love again when that wasn’t your intention before.


You may also notice a change in your financial situation as the heartwall is you connection to your abundance.


How Long Will It Take To Clear My Heart Wall And Will It Hurt?

My clients find this takes 7 sessions. Not sure why 7 but that’s the way spirit works with me. You may find you have echos of the emotions that are released, but they will be nothing like the original intensity of emotion and they will last for a very short time, perhaps 1-2 days, if that.


Will My Heart Wall Come Back?

The trapped emotions that have been released won’t come back. They were connected to past situations. With those emotions cleared you won’t have the past hurts lingering around to build more hurt on top of what you are already unconsciously feeling. Of course we aren’t static beings and you may create another heart wall if you find yourself in a new hurtful situation that you want to protect yourself from. These trapped emotions can be released.


To find out more about The Emotion Code and book a session please visit https://katestrong.com/emotioncode/

Kate offers Healings and Intuitive Guidance. She offers sessions in the Emotion Code, Body Code, Cord Cutting Past Life Healings, Soul Healings and more. She offers these by email.


  • Justin Mazza

    Hi Kate,
    This sounds so good and it made me realize that my heart is still closed. I can feel in my chest that it is often tight and restricted when I am not allowing the goodness of life to come through me.

    I’d rather live my life with an open heart and face the possibility of pain then to live my life with a closed heart and feel nothing.

    • admin

      Hi Justin, sounds like you need some work on your heartwall 🙂

  • Tigifeel

    Wow – i just had a my first session with Kate minutes ago, so although its too early to know any results yet, I was absolutely blown away by the accuracy of the dates and relevant emotional blockages. There is no way she could have known this information about these life changing events ahead of time.
    I was already in tears when she called (my deceased Grandmothers birthday always had this effect on me), but was shocked into silence when the first emotion she pulled up was “Heartache – year 2000”. My Grandmother passed at the end of 1999, and within 4 months I had emigrated leaving behind my grieving Mother. Double whammy. I really had never forgiven myself. And that was just the first one!
    I had never done anything like this before and although I am a fan of alternative healing and TCM in particular, to be honest I was a little skeptical.
    No longer.
    I look forward to seeing what the next couple days bring, as well as the following sessions.
    Thanks Kate, and big thanks to my friend for recommending you!

  • Tigi

    My name came up weird on the first post!!

    Wow – i just had a my first session with Kate minutes ago, so although its too early to know any results yet, I was absolutely blown away by the accuracy of the dates and relevant emotional blockages. There is no way she could have known this information about these life changing events ahead of time.
    I was already in tears when she called (my beloved deceased Grandmothers birthday always had this effect on me), but was shocked into silence when the first emotion she pulled up was “Heartache – year 2000”. My Grandmother passed at the end of 1999, and within 4 months I had emigrated leaving behind my grieving Mother. Double whammy. I really had never forgiven myself. And that was just the first one!
    I had never done anything like this before and although I am a fan of alternative healing and TCM in particular, to be honest I was a little skeptical.
    No longer.
    I look forward to seeing what the next couple days bring, as well as the following sessions.
    Thanks Kate, and big thanks to my friend for recommending you!

  • Tigi

    Wow Kate,
    This stuff is really amazing.
    I talked to my mum today, and started to tell her about yesterday. She was humouring me as she’s no interest, but i remembered the Ancestral part of the “abandonment” in our treatment yesterday and was particularly intrigued by it due to my own studies.
    I paused in my re-telling and said “mum, I have to ask you something. What can you tell me about dad’s dad, cos you know I never knew my grandpa”
    (mum – reluctant, even 40 yrs on) “Well you never knew him cos he was dead when you were born”
    (me) “yeah i recall that, but what did you know. Anything?”
    (mum) “no, i never met him”
    (me – surprised) “really?”
    (mum) “no, he was dead when i met your father”
    (me) “oh really!? I’m not sure i recall that”
    (mum) “well, i’m not sure you ever knew”
    (me) “huh. Well, do you have any idea when he died? Or anything?”
    (mum) “yes, he died when your dad was a small boy. Thats all i know”
    I was too stunned to go further.
    Then i hiked for 2 hours mulling and turning this over and a 2 ft snake crossed my path – not rare but not super typical.
    Strange times indeed…

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