Are You Deeply In Love With Someone Who Doesn’t Love You Back?
One of the top questions I get asked as an Intuitive is from women in relationships with men who don’t love them back, or don’t treat them well. I get this question from men too.
Deep down they know they deserve better treatment, or a reciprocal level of interest, but the Soul destroying part for them is they can’t understand why they can feel soooooo in love and he doesn’t feel the same way back.
The love you feel is heavenly and surely this man must be your Soulmate, all your ducks are lined up and your heart says, he’s the one!
You feel a soul connection.
Your heart soars, you feel like you are meant to be together, and this is lurrrve!!!
Here’s what’s happening.
You can feel his soul. You can sense his heart. You are connecting to the God part of him, it feels timeless, and brings out your own divine-self.
You feel like you are connecting on another level. And you are. You are connecting to his essence.
His personality matters too.
How he treats you, if he respects you, if he phones when he says he will phone, if he is faithful and committed.
That matters MORE than your connection to his God-self.
If he’s not showing up for you in a way that matches his essence, then you have a problem.
A lot of women will try harder, take more neglect, live in hope that his actions will match what they feel, dismiss his actions, make excuses, minimise the effect.
But you need to base your connection on his personality, because everyone has a Soul you can connect with, that feels deeper and spiritual, but not everyone has a personality to match.
You may have known him in a past life, it may feel just right, as if it’s written in the stars, but if he’s incommunicable, doesn’t do what he says, can’t walk his talk, then you need to move on.
That wonderful feeling of the perfect match is your Soul’s connection, and a personality that is in alignment is then the right fit.
Have you fallen in love with someone’s Soul but their personality left you feeling bad?
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