Invoke The ArchAngels
Who are the archangels and what do they do? I use ArchAngels the most in my healings. Read on to find out about some of the most popular archangels and how they can h
Business As A Spiritual Path
My Son The past 3 weeks I have been helping my son out with his business while his Office Manager was away on holiday. My son and I have had an on/off relationship around his busin
Anger At God?
“If you have never had any distractions you don’t know how to pray. For the secret of prayer is a hunger for God and for the vision of God, a hunger that lies far deepe
Do You Have Healthy Spiritual Boundaries?
As an Intuitive/Healer I have had to spend more time trying to close myself down than opening myself up to tune in. One of the biggest learnings in my life has been how to heal my
Spiritual Protection – Should You or Shouldn’t You?
This is often a topic up for debate in spiritual circles. Should you protect yourself, or does the fear of what might be out there cause you to attract something, by protecting you
Is your Free Will working for you or against you?
Ive just been listening to Wayne Dyers audio cd about The Power of Intention. He has some good points that have totally changed the way I see Free Will. He says : “At