Healing Blocks To Financial Abundance
Just about everyday I get an email lately from someone asking me how they can do healing to increase their finances. Whether it’s that they are already in debt or that they have goals for their financial future.
There’s never enough money.
I don’t like to tell people that healing is a process and not an instant miracle because I believe in miracles and have had them happen in my life.
I can only offer suggestions on what has worked for me and for the clients who have chosen to share their experiences with me.
When I started my business I was running it off the smell of an oily rag. I scraped and scrimped and life was pretty hard, not having money to reinvest or take the courses I wanted to take. Working so hard meant I wasn’t able to work on myself as well.
I was obsessive about my business and it working, I didn’t like the alternative. I worked for peanuts as I would rather have lots of little amounts coming in than raising my prices and having to wait and wonder.
So aside from the practicalities of actually working a job, I made little steps along the way to increase my knowledge base and slowly started to work on myself doing healing.
The biggest shift with my financial abundance came the more I put myself out there. Every small step I took, even if it felt big to me, taking a risk with some kind of interaction in my business, or personal life, seemed to amp me up a notch with my income.
I believe in law of attraction but I also believe you have to make an effort yourself, you have to put yourself out there. After all money comes through people and if you have bad people skills, or don’t want to interact with people, how else is the money going to come your way?
You don’t have to be a social butterfly but are you willing to interact with people to achieve the results you desire financially? You have to be offering something in exchange for money. It doesn’t just fall out of the sky. You could win lotto, I have a friend who did, so I never discount that as a path, but it’s not really a realistic goal. I think its empowering to put your dreams into action.
I love what Mark Silver says at Heart of Business. There is giving and receiving, offering and taking. They all reflect some kind of flow. We prefer certain modes over another and often we fall into problems with some of these energies and our interaction with them. For example, I am offering readings on my site, and people are giving me money for that exchange, but I don’t really see myself as giving readings and I don’t see people as taking from me. So if I saw myself as giving readings and people receiving them, I’d feel so much better than me offering readings and people taking them. I like that energy exchange better. Thinking in this way does change how you feel about the inflow and outflow.
Of all the healings I am offering at the moment clearing the heart wall using the emotion code is the best modality I have found for clearing blocks to financial abundance. I felt like it cleared out a wall between me and the world, and opened me up to interacting more naturally with people, not feeling so walled up. The inwards and outwards flow is way better because of it and as money is an energy, it is reflected in that clearing. My income increased dramatically after I cleared the heart wall.
What step do you need to take to allow more money into your life?
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