Kate Strong | Intuitive Healing
law of attraction

Law of Attraction in Relationships

I just read this awesome book and I always like to pass on information when I am impressed. It’s called The Secret Laws of Attraction – The Effortless Way to Get the Relationship You Want by Talane Miedaner.


Basically the premise is that we all have needs. And if we aren’t meeting them then we are putting out an energy of neediness and we are mostly put off by people who are too needy. It’s repelling. So if we make an effort to meet our needs in various ways, then we are more likely then to attract what it is we want in our lives.


When you meet a need, it goes away. So you aren’t vibrating at that needy level. It’s when we don’t meet a need that we end up making choices that may not be the best for us.


Often alot of us are ashamed to have needs. We don’t like to ask others for help. We think this appears needy when in fact asking for help to meet your needs appears confident. It’s when we try to meet our needs underhanded that creates tension.


So meeting your needs is attracting more of the same from the Universe.



Kate offers Healings and Intuitive Guidance. She offers sessions in the Emotion Code, Body Code, Cord Cutting Past Life Healings, Soul Healings and more. She offers these by email.

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