Loren Teague

I’m deeply saddened by the shocking news today that an old friend, Loren Teague, passed away early December 2009 from breast cancer that had metastised. I met Loren online in the 90s when we were two budding writers. We formed Pen and Ink Services and worked on editing manuscripts together. We met only once but that didn’t seem to be an issue because it was like we were next door neighbours, running an internet business in the early days of the internet.


Loren realised her dream of being a published novelist. Her books are on amazon, just google her name.


She was born in Scotland and she had an amazing ability to describe scenery and create an atmosphere that you literally felt you were standing in that countryside.


When we moved on from our business together, we used to connect in every year on Anzac Day, one of us emailing the other and talking about that day which we both felt a connection with. Her parents both passed away in the time I knew her and I know this had a huge impact on her. Last time we connected, she was always bright and optimistic.


She was only 50 and was survived by her son, Sam.


Go well Loren, thank you for the time we spent together, I will miss you, and I love you heaps. xxxx

Kate offers Healings and Intuitive Guidance. She offers sessions in the Emotion Code, Body Code, Cord Cutting Past Life Healings, Soul Healings and more. She offers these by email.


  • Olivia

    I’ve just googled Loren for the first time since her death last summer… I’m her niece on Andrew’s side and had know her all my life. It was good being able to see her before she passed and to know she is at peace now.

    It’s wonderful to see that she had such an impact on people. I don’t even think Andrew and Sam know about all her activity online… I will tell Andrew next time I talk to him. 🙂

    Her new book has been sent to him and they are having a release party at some stage I think in Nelson.

  • admin

    Thank you so much for writing today of all days Olivia. I feel like in some way Loren has connected with me for Anzac Day. We often talked about the afterlife and I was wondering about our yearly contact tomorrow and if I might have a sign. My blessings to Andrew and Sam.

  • Ernest Dempsey

    Kate, I just read this blog and I am sitting with a sad heart beating slowly inside. I’m so sorry. I am Ernest from Pakistan. Back in 2001, when I first started contacting other writers around the world to connect as a budding writer, Loren was one of the very first who responded. She gave me feedback on one of my articles/story that I sent to her via email, and she replied via regular post. You may imagine how encouraging it would feel to a lonely writer in a remote town where no one writes or talks about writing/literature. I may still have Loren’s letter in my book case back home.

    Then I remembered her one day, earlier this year if I remember correctly, and the old Pen and Ink site had disappeared. Instead I found Loren’s site with her new photo and brief cancer story. I felt sorry and sent her an email, thanking her for her earlier encouragement and expressing sympathy over her cancer problem. I never knew that she was no more to reply.

    A while ago, as my memory wandered to those earlier years of writing, suddenly I remembered Loren and I googled her, and came across your blog. I am really sorry to hear about Loren’s death. And I do feel like writing a few words in her honor.


  • admin

    Ernest, its very synchronistic that you wrote today of all days. In fact this year I have started writing again and I’m sure Loren has a hand in that. I’m glad you remembered her and thank you for honouring her with your words. She is a lovely soul.

  • Ernest Dempsey

    Thanks Kate,

    I paid Loren my tribute in this post written in her memory: http://thesop.org/story/20101015/remembering-loren-teague.html.

    The same post I also added to my Gather page: http://www.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474978603620.

    If you’d like to contribute to our journal Recovering the Self, by writing about anything relating healing from loss, grieving, addiction, illness etc, feel free to submit to me.

    Best Wishes,


  • Karen Rosen

    I only learned of Loren’s passing today- I believe it must be almost exactly a year. I am one of her long-lost first cousins from Scotland, (now living in New Jersey). I am so sad and shocked- we hadn’t been in touch since Spring 2009, and when I didn’t hear from her I presumed she was just busy. Time passed as it does- and today my sister in Scotland heard the sad news.

    We are looking for a way to contact Andrew and Sam- we only had Loren’s email address. If someone could post that or email it to me I would greatly appreciate it.

    Thank you,

    With a heavy heart,


    • admin

      Hi Karen, if you see further in the comments one of Lorens neices wrote something, i will write to her and see if i get a reply for you.

  • Olivia


    Please email me (you haven’t left your email address) so that I can get you in touch with my uncle and cousin.

    Andrew is coping well, and sam is getting much better. They will be spending Christmas with us in Geraldine this year.

    Email me at o.mccaskill@gmail.com and I will send you their phone number.


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