The Freedom of Transparency in Business
One of the key factors in growing my business has been transparency. Weighing up how much I should share and how much I should keep private has always been a thin line.
I’m very open in my private life, but in business I have to set some boundaries, as my clients don’t expect me to be their girlfriend.
It’s not about me.
It’s about them.
My clients come to me about their lives, they don’t want to hear about mine.
But, in saying that, I feel that I have to share something of myself so I can be trusted with their vulnerabilities.
In growing my business I don’t adhere to the belief that I “fake it until I make it”. I don’t create a sales pitch that my prospective customers intuitively know is over inflated, just to get sales.
It’s the same way I don’t sugar coat anything in my intuitive readings, just to hook people in to keep them coming back.
Most people know when they’re being pitched to. I hate it going into clothes shops and being told something looks nice on me when it clearly doesn’t. I know a sales pitch when I hear one.
I also don’t like ambiguity, so I try to make my services as clear as possible and what angle I take with them. I don’t try to keep everything a secret so you have to buy to find out more.
If you dig into my site, you can see what issues I struggle with, you can see that I am on a healing journey myself, and I certainly don’t profess to be a Master in any area. I do know alot about healing though, so I apply what I know in my services.
It’s my humanity I like to share, after all we are all human, and I feel that’s the connector for us all.
I like to convey a realistic picture of my business, my brand is ME. I work my business. What you get when you book a session is ME.
I don’t try to change myself to meet the needs of everyone who comes to me, most people book with me because they have a sense that I resonate with them on some level. I’m not a chameleon and be what people want me to be, but in saying that I do meet clients needs if I can be of service.
I don’t share myself online so as to manipulate people, or to seek sympathy, but to share my process.
To be transparent.
I’m not looking for approval or needing to be liked, even though the paradox is, in business those things you would think would bring me more sales.
I think authenticity, honesty and integrity are far more important than projecting a false impression of myself. I’m not perfect and don’t profess to be.
I don’t always like how vulnerable that makes me feel, but then I don’t have the anxiety of having to be someone I’m not. So I can just focus on my work. And be honest.
How has transparency helped you in business?
Transparency is an awesome thing. It definitely takes a while to get there. I had to get rid of the story of secrets and embarrasment. I had to get rid of the story that people were going to use information against me. There still needs to be a balance but as my caoch has said to me, reality is often kinder than we make it in our minds.