Do You Have an Inner Courtroom?
Are you always standing trial on the inside? There’s the judge, the jury, the prosecution, and your defence is either weak or non existant? I had an ephiphany l
Are you an emotional sponge?
I am a highly sensitive person and it’s been the bane of my life. Sure it has it’s upside, I use it in my job as a intuitive healer, but on the whole the way my brain i
Who Thunked That Thought?
I’m reading an awesome book at the moment called The Happiness Trap by Dr Russ Harris, its mainly about ACT (acceptance and commitment therapy) I wanted to talk about
Does the Universe have your back?
I wanted to share a story from my life that embodied for me that the Universe has my back. 15 months ago my ex partner of 10 years told me out of the blue he was leaving me.
Empathy – Your feelings or my feelings?
One of the banes of my existance is empathy. If I was being PC then I should say, its one of my biggest learning curves. And I’ve by no means mastered it at all.
I ain’t no Melinda Gordon.
I love Ghost Whisperer and Medium, the TV shows. It’s brought Mediumship into the mainstream and demystified alot about what a Medium can do. It’s brought Spiritualism
Is your Free Will working for you or against you?
Ive just been listening to Wayne Dyers audio cd about The Power of Intention. He has some good points that have totally changed the way I see Free Will. He says : “At
Are you your own Lighthouse Keeper?
Last night I read this article that prompted alot of thought in me. Too bad it was at 4am lol. It got me to think, on your journey do you see yourself as flawed and needing to heal