Are You Getting In The Way Of Your Emotional Health?
How do you feel about your emotions? Do you let them flow? Do you like all of them? Do you take the time to let them out? Explore them? Or can’
RIP Lee Roche
I wanted to acknowledge the passing of my friend Lee Roche. I met Lee online in early May 2010 and we got on so well, we used to talk on skype alot. She was such a vivacious and vi
How To Forgive Yourself When You Really, Really Did Something Wrong
Something that hurt another – maybe seriously. Or somethingthat hurt yourself so badly that other people were affected as well. Lets look at it a little closer. First, you di
How To Forgive – And Why You Might Resist
Forgiveness is a living breathing energy. It’s always around. It’s in the air, so to speak. Accessible to all. So while it’s important to know HOW to forg
Why Is Emotional Healing So Hard?
One main reason emotions seem so difficult to work with is because of this double-whammy: we tend to focus on the events of the past while ignoring the thoughts and feelings tha
Have You Ever Been Fooled By A Man?
He called you Darling and Sweetie and Love. He seemed into you, he was a good listener, he wanted to do things you wanted to do. He was calling and texting every day.
Are You In A Karmic Relationship?
If you’re reading this then yes, you are in a karmic relationship. You are on planet earth. And unless you live in a cave high up in the mountains with no frien
Are Past Lives Still Haunting You Today?
I was browsing the internet and came across a site and read a paragraph that sent shivers down my spine. The paragraph by Patricia L Walsh read: Our past life selves are not