Abortion – From a Soul Perspective
Some people have an abortion and move on with their lives. Other people have an abortion and it causes such a huge healing crisis, be it conscious or shoved into their uncon
How Creating Distance Can Get Your Ex Back!
One of the main reasons women in particular contact psychics about relationships is because distance in a relationship creates anxiety. It’s not so easy to quell that
Don’t Listen To A Psychic If They Tell You When You’re Going To Die!
Words Stick As a psychic I’m all too aware that my words can stick in someone’s mind and memory for years and years. I still remember a reading I had when I was around 2
Earthing- Probaby the most important health discovery
I’m a big fan of David Wolfe at the moment, and he’s done alot to popularise the concept of Earthing as a health benefit. I just recently watched a video from the Longe
Law of Attraction in Relationships
I just read this awesome book and I always like to pass on information when I am impressed. It’s called The Secret Laws of Attraction – The Effortless Way to Get the Re
For Women: Is A Man The Centre of Your World?
Is this you? When youre in a relationship you love to fuss. You love to make him the center of your world. You love cooking his favourite meals, you love bring
Right Order in the Universe
Ive been listening to some wonderful speakers on Suzanne Falter-Barns Spiritual Marketing telesummit. I always like to pass on great information and one of the speakers, Dar
Are Our Ancestors Inside Us?
My Uncle passed away a few weeks ago. And his wife, my Aunt, 3 months ago. My Aunt and I corresponded and shared an interest in genealogy. My generation wasn’t loaded with pe