Abortion – From a Soul Perspective
Some people have an abortion and move on with their lives. Other people have an abortion and it causes such a huge healing crisis, be it conscious or shoved into their uncon
Right Order in the Universe
Ive been listening to some wonderful speakers on Suzanne Falter-Barns Spiritual Marketing telesummit. I always like to pass on great information and one of the speakers, Dar
Are Our Ancestors Inside Us?
My Uncle passed away a few weeks ago. And his wife, my Aunt, 3 months ago. My Aunt and I corresponded and shared an interest in genealogy. My generation wasn’t loaded with pe
Are you your own Lighthouse Keeper?
Last night I read this article that prompted alot of thought in me. Too bad it was at 4am lol. It got me to think, on your journey do you see yourself as flawed and needing to heal
How do Past Lives affect you today?
I’ve grappled with the impact of past lives for a while until I came to Soul Realignment. I’m not disputing that they exist, but more so that they still affect us. &nbs
What are the Akashic Records?
Akasha is sanskrit for space or ether. Its a compendium of knowledge in a non physical plane of existence. It’s like a Universal Library, an energetic database. The Ak
I’m going to start a series on explaining what all the blocks and restrictions that come up in a Soul Realignment Reading. Here I want to talk about karma. Ther
My Journey With Soul Realignment
Nothing Else Helped Often times people try Soul Realignment as a last resort, they’ve tried everything else. That was the case for me. They have issues that they just canR